Copper Mountain Surgical: Your Destination for Advanced Surgical Care

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Monday, May 27, 2024 at 8:35am UTC

Copper Mountain Surgical: Advancing Healthcare with Cutting-Edge Technology and Compassion

Mesa, United States - May 27, 2024 / Copper Mountain Surgical /

Copper Mountain Surgical: Your Destination for Advanced Surgical Care

Phoenix, AZ – Copper Mountain Surgical, a premier surgical facility dedicated to providing top-tier medical care, is proud to announce its comprehensive range of surgical services under the expert leadership of Dr. Wesley High, an esteemed general surgeon known for his competence, dedication, and empathetic approach to patient care. The facility stands at the forefront of medical innovation, offering advanced procedures such as Robotic Hernia Surgery and Colonoscopy, among others, to meet the diverse surgical needs of the community.

Dr. Wesley High, a seasoned general Surgeon with an exemplary track record, leads the team at Copper Mountain Surgical. With years of experience and a passion for patient care, Dr. High exemplifies the facility’s commitment to excellence. His leadership is characterized by a deep dedication to utilizing the latest medical technology and maintaining a patient-centric approach.

State-of-the-Art Facility

Copper Mountain Surgical prides itself on its state-of-the-art facility, meticulously designed to offer a seamless blend of cutting-edge technology and a comforting environment. The surgical suites are equipped with the latest medical devices and technology, ensuring patients receive the most advanced and effective treatments. This commitment to technological excellence allows the facility to perform various innovative procedures with precision and efficiency, ensuring optimal outcomes for every patient.

Copper Mountain Surgical supports patients through every step of their surgical journey, from pre-operative consultations to post-operative care. The facility’s holistic approach ensures that patients feel comfortable and cared for at all times. Experienced medical professionals provide detailed consultations to address concerns and create personalized treatment plans. 

After surgery, comprehensive post-operative care and follow-up appointments are meticulously coordinated to ensure a smooth recovery and long-term health. This integrated approach highlights Copper Mountain Surgical’s unwavering commitment to patient-centered care and medical excellence.

Comprehensive Surgical Services

Copper Mountain Surgical offers a wide range of surgical procedures, ensuring patients can access the comprehensive care they need. Among the many services provided, two procedures stand out for their innovation and effectiveness: Robotic Hernia Surgery and Colonoscopy. 

Robotic Hernia Surgery utilizes advanced robotic technology to perform minimally invasive repairs with greater precision, resulting in smaller incisions, reduced pain, and faster recovery times. Colonoscopy, a critical procedure for the early detection and prevention of colorectal cancer, is conducted using the latest endoscopic technology to provide accurate and efficient screenings. These advanced procedures underscore Copper Mountain Surgical's commitment to leveraging cutting-edge technology to enhance patient outcomes and well-being.

Robotic Hernia Surgery

One of the hallmark procedures offered at Copper Mountain Surgical is Robotic Hernia Surgery, which represents a significant advancement in surgical care. This innovative technique harnesses the power of robotic technology to deliver a minimally invasive solution for hernia repair. By utilizing robotic assistance, surgeons can achieve greater precision and control, resulting in smaller incisions, reduced post-operative pain, and faster patient recovery times. 

The enhanced precision afforded by robotic surgery ensures optimal outcomes, decreased risk of complications, and improved patient satisfaction. Copper Mountain Surgical is proud to offer this cutting-edge procedure as part of its commitment to providing the highest-quality surgical care with advanced technology.


Colonoscopy Phoenix is another critical service provided at Copper Mountain Surgical, playing a vital role in the early detection and prevention of colorectal cancer. Focusing on proactive healthcare, the facility emphasizes the importance of regular screenings to detect potential issues before they escalate. Utilizing the latest endoscopic technology, Copper Mountain Surgical ensures that patients receive accurate and efficient colonoscopies. 

This advanced equipment allows for thorough examinations, enabling early detection of polyps, abnormalities, and other potential signs of colorectal cancer. By offering state-of-the-art colonoscopy services, Copper Mountain Surgical remains at the forefront of preventive healthcare, promoting early intervention and improving patient outcomes in Phoenix, AZ.

Patient-Centric Approach

Copper Mountain Surgical's philosophy is a commitment to patient care that extends beyond the operating room. The facility strongly emphasizes empathy, ensuring that patients feel supported and understood throughout their surgical experience. 

When patients enter the facility, they are greeted by a team of compassionate professionals dedicated to addressing their concerns and providing the highest level of care.

Community Engagement and Education

In addition to providing exceptional surgical care, Copper Mountain Surgical is committed to community engagement and education. The facility regularly hosts informational sessions and workshops to educate the public on various health topics, including the importance of early detection and preventive care. These initiatives are designed to empower individuals with the knowledge they need to make informed health decisions.

Looking to the Future

As Copper Mountain Surgical looks to the future, the facility remains dedicated to advancing healthcare through continuous innovation and a steadfast commitment to patient care. With plans to expand its services and incorporate even more advanced technologies, Copper Mountain Surgical is poised to remain a leader in surgical care.

About Copper Mountain Surgical

Copper Mountain Surgical is a leading surgical facility in Phoenix, AZ. Under the leadership of Dr. Wesley High, the facility offers a comprehensive range of surgical services, including Robotic Hernia Surgery and Colonoscopy. With a focus on cutting-edge technology, compassionate care, and patient education, Copper Mountain Surgical is dedicated to meeting the diverse surgical needs of the community.

For more information about Copper Mountain Surgical and its services, please visit or call (480) 892-2456.

Contact Information:

Copper Mountain Surgical

4135 S Power Rd STE 117
Mesa, AZ 85212
United States

Dr Wesley High