Beating the Milton Heat: How Long Does a New AC Installation Take?

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Time Needed for AC Installation in Milton ON? Get Answers

Milton, Canada - May 24, 2024 / Free Air Heating & Air Conditioning /

Living in Milton, we all know the drill – summer rolls around, the temperature skyrockets, and our trusty AC unit suddenly decides to take a vacation. Ugh!  The thought of enduring those sweltering Milton days without cool air is enough to make anyone sweat.  So, you've decided to invest in a brand new AC unit – fantastic! But now you're wondering, "How long will this whole AC installation thing take?" 

Fear not! Free Air Heating & Air Conditioning is here to shed some light on the typical AC installation timeline.  While the exact time can vary depending on a few factors, we'll give you a general idea of what to expect.

Free Air : Your Local HVAC Contractor in Kitchener, ON

Planning Makes Perfect

Before the big installation day, there's some groundwork to be done.  This might involve:

  • Scheduling Your Installation: Once you've chosen your perfect AC unit (with our expert help, of course!), we'll work with you to find a convenient installation date and time that fits your busy schedule.
  • Permitting (if applicable): In some cases, obtaining a permit from the Town of Milton might be necessary.  Don't worry, we'll handle all the paperwork for you!

The Big Day Arrives!

Now for the exciting part – installation day!  Here's a glimpse into what might happen:

  • The Morning Prep: Our friendly and certified technicians will arrive at your Milton home on time, ready to tackle the project.  They'll take all the necessary safety precautions and lay down protective drop cloths to keep your place clean.
  • Saying Goodbye to the Old Unit: Depending on the condition of your existing AC unit, it might need to be removed first.  Our technicians are pros at decommissioning old units safely and responsibly.
  • Making Way for the New: Once the old unit is removed, the installation process begins. This involves carefully positioning the new AC unit, connecting the ductwork, and ensuring proper electrical connections.
  • Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3!  After everything is in place, our technicians will meticulously test the new AC unit to ensure it's running smoothly and efficiently. They'll also walk you through the features and operation of your shiny new cooling system.

Wrapping Things Up

Once the installation and testing are complete, our technicians will clean up the workspace, leaving your Milton home spotless.  They'll also answer any questions you might have and provide you with a user manual for your new AC unit.

How Long Does it All Take?

Phew! That might seem like a lot, but a typical AC installation in Milton usually takes anywhere from 4 to 8 hours.  The exact timeframe can depend on factors like:

  •  The size and complexity of your existing HVAC system
  •  The accessibility of your AC unit's location
  •  Any unforeseen challenges that might arise (don't worry, our technicians are prepared!)

Keeping You Cool and Informed

At Free Air Heating & Air Conditioning, we understand the importance of clear communication.  That's why we'll keep you informed throughout the entire AC installation process, from the initial consultation to the final walkthrough.  We want you to feel confident and comfortable with your new cooling system.

Free Air AC Repair Service will get your home ready for hot weather!

Breathe Easy This Summer

With a brand new AC unit expertly installed by Free Air Heating & Air Conditioning, you can confidently face those scorching Milton summers. Imagine the relief of walking into your cool and comfortable home after a long, hot day. Contact us today for a free consultation, and let's get your AC installation journey started!

Contact Information:

Free Air Heating & Air Conditioning

529 Main Street East
Milton, ON L9T 3J2

Stephen Free
+1 905-783-3733

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